All our products are made from scratch, using whole, natural, raw ingredients.
All our products are made from scratch, using whole, natural, raw ingredients.
Where possible, we eliminate refined sugars, especially fructose as a major ingredient.
• Flavour
• Mineral availability
• Digestibility
• Insulin index
• Carbohydrates
• Lectin phytate
• Gluten
Our butter, eggs, dairy, pork, beef and chicken are grass-fed to lower Omega 6 levels. We avoid using compound-fed animals.
Where possible, we use low extraction flours -ie. whole grain stoneground to retain natural bran, which is full of nutritional value.
Where possible we source ingredients from local growers and farmers.
We only use natural, whole foods tested for GMOs.
We only use ingredients that are ‘Round Up’, glyphosate and herbicide free and don’t add preservatives or colours to anything and avoid using any ingredient with a food number.
All our nuts and seeds are activated to reduce phytic acid.
We use butter, olive oil or coconut oil.